While LHOF has been specialized in international programs to help unprivileged kids in undeveloped areas, we believe change is needed everywhere. There is much work to do to make life better for everyone. And we want to do more.
Local Outreach Program
Whether or not we, the Americans youth, can be more prepared to the task of fixing our economy, improving our communities, saving our planet, and leading the world depends on whether we can make a virtue of our diversity while still sharing the spirit of E pluribus unum (Latin for "Out of many, one").
How well are we living up to that motto now?
LHOF believes that when like-minded people communicate mostly only with each other, it tends to narrow their minds and corroborate arrogance and prejudices.
LHOF advocates social responsibility to keep our common interests in mind and our passions in check, instead of turning our common grounds into a pervasive pitched battle between irreconcilable groups.
LHOF calls for brainstorming together instead of blame-storming and name-calling nastiness that are letting people down at home and in global communities these days.
LHOF seeks for an agora of ideas emerging from rational voice, civil discourse, and certifiable facts instead of extreme partisanship and ideological polarization that result in promulgated factoids and falsehoods all over the place.
LHOF is doing its part to raise the quality and civility of conversation and communication “by the better angels of our nature” that Abe Lincoln invoked 159 years ago.
*Reference to and inspired by Strobe Talbott
- run by youth and for youth -
The Friday Talk series is part of LHOF's Local Outreach Program.
Opening Discussions with minority youth: learn about different POVs and experiences, discuss hardship in education system, share interests, hobbies, goals and future aspirations
Webinars with invited community leaders and officials: learn from their insights of minority communities and their effort to unify and empower people.
Webinars with invited teaching professionals and young scholars: discussion of choosing school courses and college application process from admitted students of prestigious colleges (Stanford, Harvard, etc.).
Webinars with invited professionals of different careers: talk about their path and experience in becoming field experts.
Course Mentoring Sessions in the math subject up to AP Calc BC by student volunteers (trained by experienced teachers).
Local Outreach Program
projects coming soon!
Launching of "Out of Many, One" Friday Talk